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2024-03-12 07:05:14

Vatikan rudert nach umstrittenen Papst-Empfehlungen an Ukraine zurück
Der Vatikan rudert nach der umstrittenen Äußerung von Papst Franziskus zurück, die Ukraine solle die weiße Fahne hissen und mit Russland verhandeln. Die erste Bedingung für Verhandlungen zur Beendigung des Krieges in der Ukraine sei, dass Russland seine Aggression einstelle, sagte der Papst-Stellvertreter Kardinal Pietro Parolin in einem Interview mit "Corri…
2024-04-11 07:00:20

Hydrodynamic simulations of WD-WD mergers and the origin of RCB stars
Sagiv Shiber, Orsola De Marco, Patrick M. Motl, Bradley Munson, Dominic C. Marcello, Juhan Frank, Patrick Diehl, Geoffrey C. Clayton, Bennett N. Skinner, Hartmut Kaiser, Gregor Daiss, Dirk Pfluger, Jan E. Staff
2024-04-03 07:23:38

FAIRM: Learning invariant representations for algorithmic fairness and domain generalization with minimax optimality
Sai Li, Linjun Zhang
2024-03-14 13:52:31

This week I feel as if I’ve forgotten how to write. It’s time to go back into the stream, to enter the waters. One way I do this is by invoking oracles and their art-counterparts, surrealist games and chance operations.
I’ve been at work creating some new writing oracles, but meanwhile here are two paragraphs from recent weeks where I am raising different forms of oracle-energy.
2024-04-30 18:58:55

I can’t help thinking that whoever is pushing QR codes as a solution for connecting folk to information and services hasn’t realised how cheaply and easily the hack to subvert them is…. they’re called stickers 🤦‍♂️
2024-02-14 08:29:20

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2024-04-19 07:20:16

The sounds of science a symphony for many instruments and voices part II
Gerard t Hooft, William D Phillips, Anton Zeilinger, Roland Allen, Jim Baggott, Francois R Bouchet, Solange M G Cantanhede, Lazaro A M Castanedo, Ana Maria Cetto, Alan A Coley, Bryan J Dalton, Peyman Fahimi, Sharon Franks, Alex Frano, Edward S Fry, Steven Goldfarb, Karlheinz Langanke, Cherif F Matta, Dimitri Nanopoulos, Chad Orzel, Sam Patrick, Viraj A A Sanghai, Ivan K Schuller, Oleg Shpyrko, Suzy Lidstrom
2024-04-01 08:45:37

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2024-04-01 08:45:37

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